Frequently Asked Questions

What is NSF Certification?

NSF Certification is an assurance of quality and integrity. It states that:
  • The system meets the contaminant reduction claims of the manufacturer.
  • The system is not adding anything harmful to the water.
  • The system is structurally sound.
  • Advertising, literature, and labeling are not misleading.
  • The materials and manufacturing process do not change.
From extensive product testing and material analyses to unannounced plant inspections, NSF undertakes a complete evaluation of every aspect of a product's development before it can earn certification. NSF Certification is not a one-time activity - NSF requires regular on-site inspections of manufacturing facilities, as well as periodic retesting of products against the most current national standards. For the consumer, this allows NSF certified products to be purchased and used with confidence.

Are Multipure Drinking Water Systems certified to reduce contaminants of health concern?

Multipure's Drinking Water Systems have been tested and NSF certified under NSF/ANSI Standard 42 for reduction of aesthetic contaminants, and Standard 53 for reduction of contaminants of health concern. The replacement filters are also tested and NSF certified.

What contaminants are Multipure Drinking Water Systems NSF certified to reduce?

Multipure Drinking Water Systems have been tested and certified by NSF for the reduction of many contaminants. More information can be found on our NSF Certification Page.

Are the Multipure Drinking Water Systems also certified or registered by the state of California and other states which have drinking water programs?

Multipure Drinking Water Systems have been certified or registered in the states which require it, including California, Iowa and Wisconsin.

Is there a warranty/guarantee?

Multipure demonstrates confidence in its Drinking Water Systems by providing a 90 day money-back guarantee. In addition, all Drinking Water System housings have a lifetime warranty, and all system accessories are warranted for 12 months.

Can the Multipure Drinking Water System be used during an emergency, or when the water is turned off?

Yes, you can hand pump or siphon water through the Multipure unit during an emergency situation. Complete instructions are available from Multipure.

Can the Multipure Drinking Water System be connected to an automatic ice-maker?

Yes. Multipure below counter Drinking Water Systems can be connected to any type of water dispenser or ice maker.

Does the system remove the natural, healthy trace minerals such as calcium, magnesium, or potassium?

No, Multipure Drinking Water Systems leave in the healthful, naturally-occurring minerals.

Why did Multipure design the filter to take out contaminants like VOCs but not the natural minerals?

Minerals are totally dissolved in solution and do not have an actual physical size; thus, the minerals pass through the filter unchanged. The materials used in Multipure Drinking Water are specially selected for their ability to react with the chemicals in the water but not with natural minerals. The ability to leave the natural, healthful minerals in while reducing harmful contaminants was a vital factor in the development of Multipure's Solid Carbon Block Filter. The medical community has always maintained that certain minerals are essential for a healthy body, and a study by the World Health Organization Workshop found that drinking water with high levels of beneficial, healthful minerals may reduce the risk of heart disease.1
  1. United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service. November 30, 2011. "Mineral Elements Related to Cardiovascular Health." Accessed December 1, 2011.

If the unit does not remove minerals, how does it take out lead?

Multipure's Solid Carbon Block Filter allows certain dissolved impurities, such as lead and chemicals, to adsorb to the filter surface. Adsorption (as opposed to absorption) is defined as "the adhesion in a thin layer of molecules to the surface of solid bodies with which they are in contact" (Webster's Collegiate Dictionary). Thus, the solid carbon block is like a magnet that lead molecules adhere to.

If a filter can take out Chlorine, can it also take out Trihalomethanes (disinfection by-products)?

Multipure Drinking Water Systems have been tested and certified to reduce Chlorine and Trihalomethanes. However, not all filters certified to reduce Chlorine can reduce Trihalomethanes (although some disreputable companies would have you believe so!). Chlorine is a substance that is relatively easy to treat. But, chlorine that has interacted with organic material to form Trihalomethanes (thus having a completely different molecular structure) is difficult to remove. Consumers must check with NSF (or their state health department if their state certifies water filters) to see if a non-Multipure filter is certified for Trihalomethanes or VOC reduction.

How often do the filters need to be changed?

Filter life will vary in direct proportion to the amount of water used and the type and level of impurities in the water being processed. It is recommended that the filter be replaced as soon as one of the following occurs: (a) the unit's rated capacity is reached; (b) a year has passed since the filter was installed; (c) the flow rate diminishes (which occurs when the filter becomes clogged with particulate matter); or (d) the filter becomes saturated with bad tastes and odors. The filters cannot be back-flushed or rinsed-and-reused.

Can hot water be run through the filter?

The biggest problem with hot water is the sloughing off of chemicals/compounds which had been adsorbed to the filter surface. Heat causes the carbon pores to open up, reducing the filtering effectiveness, and resulting in lead or chemicals being released into the water. This performance degradation occurs even though hot water is usually below 212 degrees F, and therefore not hot enough to alter the raw materials or cause damage to the filter itself. If someone does run hot water through the filter, immediately run cold water through the filter for at least 3 minutes, to cool and flush its contents. Do not drink hot water passed through the filter.

If I leave on vacation, do I have to disconnect my filter?

Do not allow water to sit in the unit for extended periods of time (10 or more days). If the unit will sit, unused, for 10 or more days, drain all the water from the system and remove the filter. Upon your return, reconnect the filter for normal use.

Do Multipure filters reduce fluoride?

Yes and no. Multipure's AquaRO is NSF certified for the reduction of fluoride. Multipure's Aquaversa, Aquaperform and Aquasource are not certified for Fluoride reduction. There are many filters on the market which claim to be able to remove fluoride from water, however Multipure has been unable to replicate or verify the performance claims of those filters & filter media. Reverse Osmosis & Distillation remain the only bona fide treatment technologies for the long term treatment of Fluoride at the point-of-use. Fluoride can appear in water supplies due to both manmade & natural sources.

Is Multipure compatible with all fixtures and other water treatment devices?

Multipure provides parts and/or instructions that will allow its products to be installed in most homes. However, due to the wide range of sizes and configurations of plumbing components, Multipure cannot guarantee that its products will be compatible with all fixtures and other water treatment devices. Multipure cannot provide all necessary plumbing connectors and fittings to adapt to other water treatment devices. In many cases, the necessary parts can be purchased from local plumbing or hardware stores. Multipure also cannot guarantee the availability or services of professional plumbers in any area.

Can Multipure’s carbon block filter cartridges be recycled?

Not very easily. After much study, we have determined that our carbon block filters would take a considerable amount of energy and effort to properly disassemble and recover components appropriate for recycling. This is a process that would need to be completed at a specialized facility, which further increases energy consumption because the used filter cartridges would need to be shipped to a centralized location. Keep in mind that the majority of the weight and volume of the carbon block filter is activated carbon derived from coconut shells, a highly renewable resource. It is most appropriate to dispose of your used carbon block filter cartridge with your household refuse. Theoretically, the carbon in the filter will continue to adsorb and safely trap ambient contaminants found in city landfills.

Does Multipure use catalytic carbon in its carbon block filters?

Yes, catalytic carbon is part of the blend of carbons and other adsorptive media used in the manufacture of our carbon blocks.