Important Facts About Online Ordering
Our Customers’ information security is our top priority. Please review the following prior to placing online orders.
Customer Orders
- To protect the security of payment information, Customers should place their own orders and should not allow others to place orders for them.
- To protect the security of personal information, Customers should only use their personal contact details (name, address, phone, email, etc.) and should not use the contact details of their selling Builder.
- If the Customer is signing up for a replacement filter subscription or financing the order, they must set up their own, unique Customer account. It is important to only utilize the Customers’ contact information such as address, email and phone number.
Builder Enrollment
- To protect the security of personal information, including contact details, payment and social security number, the new Builder must process their own online registration.
- Only the new Builder can complete their own online registration form as they are agreeing to Multipure’s Terms and Conditions.
Using a combination of the Customers’ and the sponsoring Builder’s information causes delays with processing the order and may lead to errors. Each Builder should have a unique set of information associated with their account/order.
To support their Customers, Builders’ may want to assist in processing their Customer’s order. They then list their own (Builder’s) email address on that customer’s order, so that they are sent the tracking information. The Builder then forwards that tracking information and order information to the Customer. Problem: Now the Builder’s email address is associated with more than one account with two different people/accounts which can cause delays in commission processing. This prevents the Customer from setting up a Multipure online Customer account as the Builder’s email is associated with their order.
It is critical to use the Customer’s email address instead of the selling Builder’s email address . Additionally, sales promotions are only valid for the Customer and cannot be redeemed by the selling Builder. Thank you for helping us to protect our customers’ privacy and improving the efficiency of completing orders by letting the Customer and new Builder’s process their own orders.